Yes this is the most common & essential question that TutuApp users are asking from us.We thought to let our users to try this on their Apple devices with using our updated TutuApp download link.Please check our video too.
So if you have watched this video, you have already know the answer on this question.Yes indeed,you can now use TutuApp VIP on your smart device.But we have a great trust on TutuApp regular free version also will be fixed in next few days.But still you can get the experience of updated TutuApp Lite version to compensate the lost of TutuApp.

Currently TutuApp is the best freeware on all iOS running smart devices to get the same experience as Apple app store.Because TutuApp has facilitated to it’s users 100% free experience to download tons of apps and games as well as other entertainments.What can you get from TutuApp ?
TutuApp Android version is working properly on all Android smart devices.TutuApp Android version is working as same as previous.But TutuApp Lite doesn’t like that.TutuApp Lite still in a moderate state.Therefore TutuApp Lite will not perform well.But to some extent TutuApp Lite will give you a relief.
Where we suppose that TutuApp will fix this matter as soon as possible.If so not you have to use TutuApp VIP version on your device for $12.99/Year.This is not a big amount on it’s users indeed.But we do not give you a negative sign on TutuApp and it’s contents,We are inviting you to touch with us and get the hot news as it release from us.Where we have presented the notice that you will prompted up when you launch TutuApp Lite.You can realize that TutuApp team is going to give you a grateful information soon.So keep sense on us and join to share your knowledge with us too.