Here we are back with the latest happy & sad story on TutuApp iOS free version which is working on iOS 12-12.2 as well as lower versions.First of all let’s remember that what happened on TutuApp in past few weeks.After TutuApp team has been revoked it’s product,they’ve been released TutuApp Lite.It was the only free version of TutuApp.But currently TutuApp Lite also not working properly.Only version that they have been fixed so far TutuApp VIP.Actually this news is not good for most of TutuApp users .But according to signs we can suppose that they will be fixed this as soon as possible.So let’s wait for TutuApp iOS free on iOS 12-12.2.
- 3uTools Educational Guide.
- 3uTools Utilities On iDevice Users.
- TutuApp Download On iOS 16.
- Paid Games For Free From TutuApp In 2022.
- TutuApp iOS Latest In 2022 And Update Note.

Where we would like to recommend for all iOS 12-12.2 firmware users to reinstall TutuApp on your device and confirm that whether still blocked or not.This will not harm at all.Until TutuApp team released fully functioning version for the public we can’t say much about TutuApp too.But we can assume some sort of points on upcoming TutuApp.
- It will be tighten up with high security
- Will contain high quality apps and games
- Ads density will be less
- User interface will be changed
- User may able to customize it as the want
What we recommend for you ?
Where we have realized that TutuApp team has been gave their majority on TutuApp VIP.As you already know TutuApp VIP is the payable version of TutuApp $12.99/Year.When we consider about this amount,it is a less amount.So you can get TutuApp VIP if you are willing to.But if you can hold it up,just wait and hope on TutuApp regular free.
What will be required on upcoming TutuApp ?
TutuApp will not require any other requirements more than previous.But currently we can’t suppose exactly what will be the requirements yet.So keep your touch on us and we will give you the entire description on TutuApp in next few days.